track leads via CRM

We’ve talked about effective leveraging of your CRM data in other places (see more articles here) but we haven’t looked at how to trace this data and transform it into practical material to use for digital marketing. As part of our CRM series, we plan to look here at how to track leads generated from CRM.

The first step is collecting the data

There are different ways to track user data from your website but that’s addressed via other sales sources, such as call centers or CRM. Some examples include using tracking links, call-tracking services or lead-tracking software.

The goal of using these methods is to know which sources the data is coming from in order to store the information and attribute the leads and revenue to the correct channels.

Since the data you’re working with probably comes from multiple sources, the most common way to integrate them is by using a business intelligence platform. This will allow you to store and centralize all the information.

Tracking and analyzing the information

Lead tracking helps you follow the user’s journey to the final purchase. The process consists of creating a specific tracking tag to trace the user’s information and attribute the lead.

Call tracking software, on the other hand, uses a tracking number that is placed on websites or landing pages in order to track phone calls.

This method allows you to assign tracking numbers to specific sources, making it possible for you to add various numbers, one per channel. This way, you can attribute phone-call leads and their revenue to specific channels.

There are also other, more sophisticated options, such as visitor level call tracking systems. These tools capture all the elements that form part of the interactions between your audience and your website, from different channels to specific keywords. This provides you with a clear overview of your user’s full digital path to the call, tracking your leads at a source, channel and keyword level.

Dealing with potential challenges

Some of the challenges you might face in this process can be quite diverse. The most common issue is a data mismatch between different sources.

However, you need to keep in mind that the process of tracking leads involves different departments. Therefore, issues can happen in marketing, IT, data or product departments.

Still, having these tracking tools is crucial for companies to leverage their CRM data. Tracking leads via phone calls or CRM allows brands and marketers to extract insights that can be very valuable.

Implementing the tracking system

Using such tracking tools can be extremely beneficial for your overall marketing strategy. For example, we recently helped a client that was only using online forms to track their sales activity.

Apart from website sales, this company had a good amount of users that were also purchasing their products via phone calls. However, they didn’t have any system to track the calls and measure results properly. We suggested implementing a call tracking system as a crucial step to trace their leads and revenue specifically from phone calls.

The results were extremely positive. Thanks to this decision, the company now has higher-quality information about its clients and leads. This data can also be used to optimize strategy, launch personalized campaigns and obtain better results. But, most importantly, the business now knows how much revenue its generates via phone calls.

Maximizing your revenue

Call tracking services can be extremely useful assets for brands, as they close the gap between online and offline marketing and link both activities.

If you want to maximize your revenue and generate more leads, using these systems to track leads will surely help you since they will allow you to attribute leads correctly, extract valuable insights, optimize your strategy and, eventually, improve your CAC and ROI.

How can I track leads generated via call centers?

You can use call tracking software to track the leads that have been generated via phone calls. If you want to have a more detailed vision of the journey the leads have made prior to the call, call tracking systems that operate at a visitor level are a good option.

What issues may arise when tracking leads via CRM?

Lead tracking involves several areas such as marketing, IT or data, so any issue can potentially arise in any of these. However, the most common issue is data mismatch between various data sources.